Researching Usability

Posts Tagged ‘heuristic

As mentioned a few weeks ago, a condensed version of the usability inspection report was submitted to be published through Ariadne. April’s issue is now available and in it you can find our report. Enjoy!

Ariadne Issue 63

Thank you to everyone who managed to attend the Scottish Usability Professionals Association event last night. We hope that the presentation was informative and look forward to the possibility of presenting the project findings next year. The presentation slides are now available below:

Any additional questions can be asked by leaving a comment below.

The final part of the usability inspection of selected  digital libraries examines Edinburgh University’s Aquabrowser. Hopefully at this point the patterns which emerged can now be seen. Although directly comparing each DL is not necessarily appropriate, it is possible to examine how each DL has approached similar design problems.

The full report will be presented in a slightly different format to the blogs without the separate analysis of each DL. Instead the common themes such as resource discovery, navigation, and personalisation will be discussed in relation to the DLs. Creating these five blogs has not only helped to formulate a clear structure for the full report but also formalise the findings similar to a drafting process.

Edinburgh University Aquabrowser background

The Aquabrowser technology used in this digital library was developed by the Dutch company, Medialab Solutions. Aquabrowser provides a visual search tool for digital libraries. It’s unique attribute is the ‘Discover’ system which allows users to search using a spacial 2-D animated word cloud. The technology has been adopted by many other digital libraries around the world in addition to The University of Edinburgh.


Resource discovery

Similar to WDL, Aquabrowser does not provide an advanced search form. In these cases it is because both DLs provide an alternative method of searching the site that does not rely on the search form throughout the task flow. Aquabrowser encourages users to narrow their search using tools such as the word cloud and the faceted navigation. WDL encourages users to use the world map in conjunction with the time-line.  The absence of an advanced search may have been determined by the typical user groups of each DL. Alternative search tools are often aimed at new or inexperienced users which could be the reason these have been deployed. They are also a good way for users to browse information when they do not have a set idea what they are looking for. However, if advanced or experienced users are likely to visit the DL they will expect it to have an advanced search. In order to provide accelerators for advanced users as recommended in Heuristic 7 then an advanced search should be provided.


The predominant navigation system used by Aquabrowser is their unique animated spatial 2-D word cloud in addition to more conventional faceted navigation and pagination. All of these systems were evaluated and some of the findings are below:

Animated spatial navigation

Aquabrowser uses a primary navigation system which is different from all other DLs evaluated. An animated spatial word cloud is provided to illustrate users results (see image). Associated words are offered in addition to alternative spellings and translations from other languages. A key at the bottom is supplied which explains the different colour coding. Overall this system appears intuitive to use with some minor usability findings. However, as this navigation system is unusual, user testing would provide more insight into the user’s understanding of the tool and would therefore be recommended.

Narrowing a search is possible by selecting several words in the cloud. The ‘Discovery Trail’ in blue indicates all the words selected by highlighting them to the user. However, if a user seeks to widen their search again and remove some selected words, it is not possible to do this. As a result, the user must start a new search by entering a search into the form. There does not appear to be any other method of resetting the search criteria. Consequently a user is unable to manipulate their search effectively as recommended in Heuristic 3.

Faceted navigation

Faceted navigation in the right hand column provides a wide variety of categories to narrow search results. Each category provides 5 sub sections but also provides  a ‘more’ link for the full list if there is more than 5. If a user selects links from several categories, each chosen category is removed from the navigation options. This is not immediately obvious to the user who may become confused and disorientated at the changes. In this situation the visibility of system status (Heuristic 1) could be more explicit to inform users of what’s happening. The breadcrumb navigation across the top of the search results indicates which categories have been selected. Users can narrow their search by selecting a link in the breadcrumb trail which is within a higher level within the site, but this does not provide as much flexibility as the breadcrumb trail used by WDL for example (see image).


Aquabrowser uses pagination in addition to faceted navigation in the same way as WDL and Europeana. The faceted navigation allows users to narrow the number of results, making it easier for users to move through the number of paginated results. Combining both types of navigation gives users greater control over their search as suggested in Heuristic 3. Doing so allows users to identify what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Global navigation

A traditional global navigation system is positioned across the top of the page. In Aquabrowser it is prefixed with the text ‘Go to’ which assumably is there to indicate that the links are external to the DL. However, users may scan the links quickly and not see this text (which is also less prominent than the links). Consequently users might not expect the links to lead to external sites such as the University Catalogue and Library Online. Conventionally global navigation links positioned here is used for internal navigation. As the links do not follow platform conventions (Heuristic 4) they are unlikely to meet user expectations.


Aquabrowser provides users with detailed information on the location of an item, including its shelf-mark. The shelf-mark information is linked, however when the link is selected it starts a new search. Users may expect the link to navigate to a reservation page where they can login and reserve the item prior to collection. Providing shelf-marks are important for a University library where a physical copy of the item is available. However, it is not clear to the user where a hyper-linked shelf-mark and this will lead to confusion. Re-labelling the link or adding additional wording to explain its purpose in the context of the DL would ensure that it follows real-world conventions thereby meeting users expectations as set out in Heuristic 2.

Search results

Search results are clearly presented with icons to represent the type of item and sometimes a thumbnail image of the book where appropriate. Similar to Scran, Aquabrowser provides a drop-down menu of options to sort results by author, relevance, year or title. Aquabrowser’s sort options are more visible because the user does not have to select a link to reveal the drop-down menu, unlike Scran. Providing sort options offers an additional system which gives users control over their search results as suggested in Heuristic 3 by allowing users to determine how the results are presented.

Recovery from errors when no results are returned

Help is provided to users to allow them to complete their task even when no search results are returned. Similar to Scran, suggested spelling,  advice and tips are provided. The suggested spelling is linked making it quick and easy for users to search again. However, the advice in Aquabrowser is limited and does not contain as much detailed advice or links to other resources as Scran. Doing so can help users to recover from errors quickly (Heuristic 9) and this can positively affect the overall user experience of the DL.

Social interaction, personalisation and customisation

There is currently no provision for users to interact with each other through Aquabrowser. There is also no way for users to save searches, mark or tag items of interest or create a personal folder. As Aquabrowser is often not the sole DL for an institution, it is likely that these services are provided elsewhere and are therefore not required. It would be interesting to know if users want and/or expect such services in DLs and how often they are used. This is something which will be examined in more detail when the user-centred evaluation of NeSC digital library begins later in the project.

Scran Background

Scran is a multimedia digital library providing a database of items from museums, galleries, archives and media across Scotland. It provides limited access to users for free. Those who pay a fee to subscribe can have full access to all services including the social network, Scribble.


Resource discovery

Scran provide another search feature in addition to the advanced search called ‘Fielded’ search. This appears to be similar to the advanced search but it is not made clear to the user what the purpose of this search is and how it differs from advanced search.  This does not meet Heuristic 2: Match between the system and the real world which recommends that words and phrases should be used that are familiar to the user. In addition, the links within both search forms that start a new search are not clearly identifiable. The design of the ‘Go’ link means that it does not look like a link and could be overlooked (see image). The close proximity of a ‘Clear’ link could cause users to accidentally wipe their search and force them to start again. The design of the forms are not forgiving for the user as highlighted by ISO heuristics and do not prevent potential errors from happening as recommended in Heuristic 5.Scran design


Scran also does not use faceted navigation, instead providing paginated results which users can navigate. This alternative system does not allow users to manipulate the results in the same way as other navigation systems, limiting user control (Heuristic 3). Scran does allow users to re-order results and increase the number of results presented per page. This helps to speed up time on task and therefore meets the ISO heuristics which recommend controllability and customisation.

Presentation of search results

The results are displayed in a ‘gallery’ presentation style with thumbnail images and text displayed in a grid formation. Where images are not available a replacement graphic is provided to categorise the type of information e.g. pathfinder pack. Unlike WDL and Europeana, Scran does not provide users with the option to change the view of results from gallery for list. Instead, drop-down menus are provided to allow users to alter the order of results. However, these options are hidden beneath a link titled ‘Search options’ and could therefore benefit from being more visible. Providing this service means that it meets Heuristic 3: User Control and Freedom but does not meet ISO heuristic which asks if it is clear what the user should do next.

Presentation of results in a gallery format can speed up time spent searching but DLs should be weary of a possible disadvantage to this system; the hierarchy of results is less clear, meaning that users may be unsure which results are most relevant. This can potentially conflict with Heuristic 2 (Match between the system and the real world) if the information does not appear in a logical order. Where possible users should be given to choice to display results by list if they wish.

Help and guidance

The help section within Scran can only be located via the Site map when a user is not logged in. Even for members who are logged in, the help section is difficult to find. This makes it harder for users to get help when they need it. This does not meet Heuristic 10: Help documentation which states that help information should be easy to search.  However, if a user does locate the help section, Scran provides useful video tutorials which communicate information in an engaging way and reduce the size of help documentation as also suggested by Heuristic 10.

When a search returns no results, Scran provide sufficient help for users to complete their task. Suggested spelling is provided as well as advice and tips on recovering from an error (see image). As a result, Scran provide a forgiving dialogue (ISO heuristic) which is successful in helping users diagnose and recover from errors (Heuristic 10).Scran tips

Interactive tools

Scran provide a ‘Create’ link next to each image which allows users to interact with images in a unique way. Users can manipulate the image to create a variety of media such as calendars, posters or greeting cards. A step-by-step form allows the users to step through the each option and customise their design (as recommended in Heuristic 3). Creations can then be saved to the site or downloaded in a PDF format. Providing such interactive tools helps to engage the users and allows users to customise information to suit their needs as recommended by the ISO heuristic on individualism.

Social Interaction

The online community service provided by Scran is called Scribble. It is not immediately recognisable from the title what Scribble is and there is very little information for users  to explain Scribble and how it benefits users. Limited information on labels and services means that Scribble does not meet Heuristic 4: Consistency and standards.

Access to Scribble requires a separate password to that used to log in to Scran. It currently uses the login details from ‘Stuff’ which is the service for creating calendars etc.  A link is provided to allow users to do register for Stuff if they have not already done so. However, if a user is already registered and logged into My Stuff, they are still required to log in again for Scribble. This is potentially confusing for users. By conforming to a minimalist design as recommended in Heuristic 8, a streamlined service would be created with one log in required for all Scran services.

Finally, if a user forgets their Scran ‘Stuff’ login a ‘Forgotten Password’ link is provided. However, when this is selected a message is returned that password changing has been disabled. No other information if provided to help users remember their user name and password. This makes it very difficult for those users to be able to log in to Scribble and does not meet Heuristic 9: Help users diagnose and recover from errors.

Personalisation and customisation

My Stuff is the users’ personal section of Scran and opens in a new window. This is potentially confusing for users, especially those using assisted technology such as screen readers. It can cause disorientation for those who are unaware that a new window has opened and prevent them from navigating back to the previous page. Limiting control for the users conflicts with Heuristic 3 (User control and freedom) and providing insufficient feedback to keep users informed of what is going on conflicts with Heuristic 1 (Visibility of system status).

When a user wants to save what they are working on in Scran, they must select the ‘Save’ link below the relevant item. However, when this happens a new window opens and if the user already has the Stuff section open in another window, nothing appears to happen. Users are not provided with sufficient feedback to indicate a change has happened so are less likely to know if their action was completed. Visibility of system status should be maintained to avoid confusion (Heuristic 1). It should also be made clear to users what they should do next (ISO standard: self descriptiveness).

On the whole, the  customisation tools provided by Scran are engaging and increase the usefulness of the material available.  Making some changes to improve the interface would ensure that the tools are intuitive to use and consequently encourage more members to utilise them.

British Library background

The British Library (BL) is the national library for the UK and is one of the largest research libraries in the world. The British Library website provides an umbrella for several catalogues including their online gallery, journals and catalogue records. Each catalogue appears to have its own website interface.



BL display a basic and advanced search prominently on the homepage. Users can also choose which catalogues to search as there are separate check boxes for each one below the search field. A link to the advanced search is positioned below the basic search field. However the advanced search is not presented as a form which users might expect. Instead users are directed to several different advanced search forms depending on the catalogue they wish to search. In addition the Image Gallery catalogue does not provide an advanced search where all other BL catalogues do.  BL should try to maintain consistency across every catalogue in order to comply with Heuristic 4.


BL provides paginated results for users can navigate. The design and display of the paginated results varies according to the catalogue the user is viewing. In addition, users cannot navigate back to search results easily, often forced to use their browser. Providing a different system within each catalogue prevents users from being able to learn how to use the site effectively meaning that it does now support learning or conform with the users expectations which are both ISO heuristics.

BL does not provide an alternative to navigating results through pagination. This means that users are required to search through each page of results to find what they are looking for. This limits the users control over the presentation of results and as a result does not meet Heuristic 3: User control and freedom. Consequently time on task could be substantially longer using pagination alone compared to other systems such as faceted navigation.


The labelling of links to catalogues does not match their headings. For example, after an initial search using all catalogues on the homepage, a small selection of results from each one is presented.  Users can select one of the results displayed or browse all results in a particular catalogue by selecting  ‘all web page results’ or ‘all journal articles’ etc. However, when they do so, the title of the catalogue is different to the link, for example ‘All journal articles’ becomes ‘British Library Direct’. These titles do not exactly match the labelling of links and therefore do not meeting Heuristic 2: Match between the system and the real world.

BL abbreviates labels within meta data information which not every user will be familiar with (see image). A full description or explanation of the label is not provided which will make browsing difficult for some (H2).BL labels

Information architecture: Search results

It is important that results are displayed in a way that makes it easy for users to search, provides them with control over the display of search results and that the information provided is understandable and comprehensive.

Initial results are clearly displayed but become inconsistent between catalogues. Initially search results are displayed in a clear manner with colours to distinguish each catalogue. However, if the user navigates to the results of a particular catalogue, the presentation changes. In addition, most of the catalogues present results in a table, however the Online Gallery presents results in a list with small text and very little visual formatting. This makes it difficult for the user to scan results easily and mean that it does not conform with Heuristic 7 which recommends that the system can be used efficiently by users. The Online Galley does provide a system for users to sort results by relevance or date however, it is the only catalogue to do this.

BL does provide clear feedback to users on the hierarchy of search results from the homepage. Text is provided at the bottom of each section clearly stating the hierarchy of the results (see image). Doing so ensures that the visibility of system status is achieved as recommended in Heuristic 1.BL heirarchy

Meta data

Item information was evaluated to ensure that labels and titles used are understandable, that accelerators are provided for experienced users and that the information provided is comprehensive.

As with other issues identified, the presentation of meta data appears to vary between each catalogue. The Integrated Catalogue and British Library Direct provide the best examples of meta data presentation. Information is separated into a table with clear distinction made between titles and data. The information provided appears to be comprehensive including shelf-mark, ISBN where possible. This meets Heuristic 8 which states that information presented should be relevant. However, by not providing a consistent experience across each catalogue, the BL is unable to meet Heuristic 4 or the ISO heuristic which recommends consistency  and the use of commonly used conventions throughout the site.

Help and guidance; recovery from errors

When a user is conducting a search, BL does several things to help users improve their search or recover from a search error. The original search string is persistent throughout the search results. This helps users to check their search criteria and ensure that words were not accidentally misspelled. A link to the advanced search is also provided which allows users to select this option if the basic search is not meeting their needs. Finally, BL also provides a variety of resources to help users construct a more effective search (see image) meaning that it successfully meets Heuristic 5: Error prevention as well as the ISO Heuristic which recommends that the dialogue is suitable for user’s task and skill level.BL search

Personalisation and customisation

Personalisation is possible but is again dependent on the catalogue  the user is using. Online Gallery allows users to save and tag images to create their own personal gallery but users must register first. The Integrated Catalogue allows users to place items into a digital folder without requiring them to register however items are only saved for the duration of the session. There does not appear to be one central place for users to register or save items which limits customisation as outlined by the ISO heuristic and also means that the system is not flexible for the users (Heuristic 7).

Social Interaction

BL use a number of external social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook and Flikr to provide their users with a social networking experience. This can be useful for users who already belong to one or more of the social networks because they will be familiar with the site already and will not be required to register again. Links to each social network is provided within the ‘Your Library’ tab on the homepage. The label is quite general and does not immediately communicate the information provided within this section. Consequently users might be unaware of the social networks and be unable to take advantage of their benefits.

Europeana Background

The second DL to be evaluated is Europeana.

Europeana is a repository which links media from a number of European organisations. You can search for images, video, sound clips and text across museums, galleries, libraries and digital collections. The current version is a prototype which was launched at the end of 2008 and version 1.0 will be available in 2010. It is important to note that Europeana is separate from The Europeana Library.



Although a search form is provided, it is not persistent throughout the entire site. If a user navigates to any of the universal links across the top of the site e.g. communities, time-line etc, then the search form disappears. To find the search form again the user must navigate back to the homepage. Currently the only link to the homepage is within the logo which is not immediately obvious. Consequently this does not meet Heuristic 4 or the ISO heuristic which request systems are consistent and follow platform conventions.

Unlike WDL, Europeana does provide an advanced search. A link to the advanced search form is prominently displayed below the search field. The extra fields in the advanced search are toggled to allow users to expand the search form without having to leave the page. This retains consistency, simplifies the navigation and reduces possible disorientation. Providing an advanced search  meets Heuristic 7 which (accelerators for experienced users) and ISO heuristic which promotes dialogue suitable to user’s task and skill level.

As mentioned in the evaluation of WDL, Europeana is also guilty of not providing constructive help to users when no search results are returned which conflicts with Heuristic 9: Help users recognise, diagnose and recover from errors and ISO heuristic: Is the dialogue forgiving?


Similarly to WDL, Europeana have introduced a time-line which is currently in beta testing. Europeana present the time-line as a tag cloud of years and the size of font is directly related to the number of items available. When a user selects a year, a carousel of images appears which the user can select or scroll horizontally through. The time-line is not currently the default search method and as a result is not featured on the homepage. However, a carousel of images is presented on the homepage below the search form. The time-line was evaluated to investigate how intuitive the navigation system is to operate and how effective this system is at assisting browsed searching.

  • The implementation of the time-line in Europeana makes browsing less efficient than other systems available. When a user selects a year from the word cloud to browse the time-line, a search form is provided to the left of the time-line. it is not immediately noticeable and its distance from the time-line and the use of boxes to section off the interactive element, users could consider the search form to be separate. Additionally, searching through results without using the search form will take longer to navigate. As results are paginated, users must navigate through each page individually in addition to using the carousel which could be time consuming. There is currently no other way of narrowing results. Consequently users have limited control over the presentation and navigation of results using the time-line system meaning that it does not meet Heuristic 3: User control and freedom and the ISO heuristics: Controllability and Suitability for learning.
  • Word clouds don’t behave consistently and consequently results lose their usefulness. Although the word cloud presents results relative to the size of text, this does not always help to inform users effectively. For example, if a search is conducted using the search form, the word cloud changes (see image).  Now all the years are uniform in size. No information is provided to inform users of the number of results for each year meaning that it does not meet Heuristic 1: Visibility of system status or ISO Heuristic: Self-descriptiveness.


User driven navigation

  • This is something which has largely been popularised through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. User driven navigation aggregates users behaviour and actions on a site. It gives users insight into what other users are doing. Europeana has introduced a section on the homepage similar to this which provides details of topics users have searched for. ‘People are currently thinking about’ (image below) is an alternative way to browse the DL and one which is entirely dependent on the user. It is not clear if the information reflects the most recent searches or the most popular searches but is a good example of a DL adopting an idea from social networking sites and adapting it to provide an additional service to users. This satisfies the ISO Heuristic which requests that users can control the pace and sequence of interaction.Europeana browse

Faceted navigation

Faceted navigation is used to help users frame their choices by allowing them to reduce the number of possible matches to their search. Europeana is one of three DLs evaluated which provided this type of navigation.  The faceted navigation was evaluated to understand how useful this system is and identify any potential usability issues such as labelling, disorientation and user control.

  • Labels and categories used should be understandable to users and relevant to the DL. Europeana have a section where users can narrow their results by language. However, each label is abbreviated to two letters making them difficult to distinguish. Abbreviated words and unfamiliar terms should be avoided to conform with Heuristic 2: Match between the system and the real world.
  • Clear visual feedback within the faceted navigation helps orientate users. When using the faceted navigation, the users selections do not reset the search unexpectedly instead allowing users to select more than one category and de-select categories to widen a search if desired. This provides users with a high level of control as recommended in Heuristic 3: User control and freedom.
  • Use of pagination in addition to faceted navigation. Providing both allows users to reduce the number of results from an initial search, reducing time spend navigating pages of results in order to find what they are looking for (Heuristic 3).

Personalisation and customisation

Europeana provide a section called ‘My Europeana’ where registered users can save searches, items and add tags to items so that they can be grouped together by keywords. User must first register. Registration is streamlined and only requests the users email address. Often long registration forms requesting unnecessary personal information can be off-putting to users so this form encourages users to join.

However ‘Tagging’ items is a relatively unfamiliar term not used extensively in DLs and as a result it is likely to confuse some users. Additionally, once a user creates and submits their tag, there is no feedback instructing the user on how to find the tag. Although the user is informed that their action has been successful, a link to their tags would help users find them more easily. In this situation the status of the action is provided but its visibility within the site is less straightforward which conflicts with the ISO standard relating to self-descriptiveness.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with the findings? All feedback is welcome.

Now that the report is almost finished it seemed appropriate to share some of the findings from the investigation here for feedback. It is hoped that this will help to draw conclusions from the findings and inform the subsequent usability and evaluation work on library@nesc – the digital library in development in UX2.0. Due to the size of this report, the issues highlighted here will be split into five separate blogs. The theme of each blog will be determined by each digital library (DL). The first library to be discussed is the World Digital Library.

An outline of the methodology used for this inspection can be found in a previous post. Each digital library was evaluated against a set of heuristics developed by Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich. In addition to these heuristics, the International Standardisation Organisation’s (ISO) set of principles from the Ergonomics of human-system interaction section (part 110) were also referenced. A useful outline of these internationally recognised principles is provided by User Focus.

World Digital Library Background

The World Digital Library (WDL) is a collaboration between the Library of Congress, UNESCO and the national libraries of 32 countries. It is offered in seven languages and provides details of rare books, maps, film clips and recordings for free. Its objective is to “promote international understanding, to expand non-English and non-western content online, as well as to contribute to research and education.”


What strikes you about WDL is the unconventional approach to search which allows users to not only search but also browse information. The home page has a world map and a time-line which are both interactive. Users can manipulate the time-line using sliders and select a thumbnail image from the map to open a carousel of images. This system is an engaging way for users to browse the library and is particularly useful to those without specific search criteria. One issue which was discovered using this system is outlined below:

  • WDLLinks within the map behave unexpectedly. If a user selects the number of items in the map they are directed to a new page of results. However, if the user selects the thumbnail image (as shown in image right), a carousel opens on top of the world map. It is not clear why links which provide the same information behave differently and there is nothing to indicate to users before selecting a link what will happen. This conflicts with Heuristic 4 (consistency and standards) within Nielsen’s set of heuristics and the ISO principles that ask ‘Does the dialogue support learning?’ and ‘Is the dialogue consistent?’

WDL have been creative in providing new ways for users to search information but what about traditional search? WDL does have a simple search form which is persistent throughout the site. Many users expect to find a search form in a digital library (or any website for that matter); therefore it is good that they have included it. However, heuristics used to evaluate WDL’s search revealed a couple of issues and are described below:

  • No advanced search. Although a basic search form is provided, a link to an advanced version is not present. The absence of an advanced search may be determined by those who use the DL. If WDL found that their core users do not use an advanced search then its presence is not important. It is plausible that users could prefer to use tools such as the map and time-line as opposed to search. However, generally an advanced search should be provided and clearly labelled to cater for all types of users. This is consistent with Nielsen’s Heuristic 7 which states that ‘Accelerators – unseen by the novice user – may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. It is also covered by an ISO standard which recommends that the dialogue is suitable for the user’s task and skill level.
  • No help provided to users when no search results are returned. A search that returns no results is commonplace in a DL which is still growing its catalogue. It is therefore important that help is given to users to allow them to successfully complete their task. Providing a list of tips that allow users to construct a more successful search is one solution. In addition, search engines which can suggests an alternative spelling of words is also very useful. Other DL’s evaluated in the report provided good examples of help when no results are returned. SCRAN for example provides links to more detailed resources on searching that provide users with some useful lessons. Heuristic 9 details this issue and requests that messages suggest a constructive solution (help users recognise, diagnose and recover from errors). The ISO standard requests that dialogues support learning and provide a forgiving dialogue reinforce this issue.

WDL 2When search results are provided, results are presented in a gallery format by default. Users have the option to switch to a more traditional list view if they wish (image above). Providing icons that are supported with text are recommended because they ensure that users understand unfamiliar graphics. This is something which WDL does successfully and fulfils Heuristic 6 which requests that options should minimise a user’s memory load and promote recognition rather than recall. It is also covered by the ISO standard which states that the dialogue should make clear what the users should do next. This system also gives users the power to customise the display of results to suit their needs and this satisfies Heuristic 3: ‘User control and freedom’.  One issue was identified regarding the display of search results which WDL should be aware of:

  • The hierarchy of search results should be clearly indicated. When a user is searching results using Gallery View, it is not clear how the results are organised. As the results are displayed horizontally as well as vertically, users may be unsure which items are most relevant. Feedback should be provided to make it clear how results are organised i.e. relevance, alphabetical, date etc. The British Library provides a good example (pictured below) of such feedback. Being aware of this issue will ensure that Heuristic 1: ‘Visibility of system status’, and ISO standard: ‘Dialogue conforms to user expectations (consistency)’ is maintained.BL

Finally many of the DL’s evaluated in the report did not adequately provide internal navigation for users between search results and item information. If a user selects an item for more detailed information there is no clear way of navigating back to the search results. As a result, users are forced to rely on the browser to navigate the site. This does not meet the guidelines of Heuristic 3: User control and freedom, which recommends that an undo and redo is provided for users. This is also the case for ISO standards which recommend controllability and self-descriptiveness.

UX2.0 is very interested in feedback on the research conducted to date. If you have a comment or question, please feel free to use the form below. The next blog will cover some of the findings from the evaluation of Europeana.

My last post said that an explanation of each methodology would be provided for those unfamiliar with the terms. As promised, details are provided below:

Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristic evaluations are well documented on the web with many authoritative resources. Instead of paraphrasing other sources I thought it would be more appropriate to provide links.

Brief definition by Usability First

Jakob Nielsen’s ‘How to’ paper provides a comprehensive guide to the methodology from when it was originally developed:

Sitepoint’s step-by-step guide provides a more detailed explanation of each heuristic which is straighforward and easy to understand: outlines the original heuristics in addition to subsequent variations:

A detailed check-list of every heuristic for those conducting a heuristic evaluation:

The benefits of a heuristic evaluation from Usability Net:

Cognitive Walk-through

Short description and definition

Comprehensive outline of the method:

Defining the procedure of a walk-through:

Some of the characteristics of a cognitive walk-through include the creation of personas and the detailed documentation of tasks step-by-step in order to pinpoint exactly where the interface might fail. As with a heuristic evaluation, more than one evaluator is ideal however a cognitive walk-through often includes developers in the team of evaluators as well as usability experts.

Relationship with UX2.0 project

Sitepoint’s guide suggests conducting a heuristic evaluation by using one of three approaches:

  1. Develop a set of tasks and ask your evaluators to carry them out.
  2. Provide evaluators with the goals of the system, and allow them to develop their own tasks.
  3. Ask evaluators to assess your dialogue elements.

As discussed in the previous post, the evaluation intends to follow the set of heuristics while also carrying out typical user tasks (approach 1). Therefore the evaluation will predominantly be a heuristic evaluation and not a cognitive walk-through.

The main user task of a digital library is searching for a piece of information. Specific details of the information a user might be searching for will vary according to each DL and cannot be fixed. As a result, specific details of each task will be appropriate to each site. bookmarks
